Monthly Archives: January 2013

Project: Wood Table For My Primo

Well I have been using my steel frame table for over a year now and since we have moved into our new home I feel it is time to construct my very own custom table. I need something practical, sturdy, movable and offer just a enough table top surface for my trays while grilling and some storage for my grill accessories. So I had been working on design concepts for sometime now and I completed one which offers all of the above. I still need to add the caster wheels to the left side legs which will make it easy to move. Here is my concept which you can download from Google Sketchup and add your own customization’s.

Primo Table Version 2-001

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First Grilling Session at Our New House

We are barely moved in. Literally boxes everywhere but we are tackling them pretty quickly. For new years my mother in law made a large pot of menudo and we’ve been eating that since. Craving for something else I decided to grill some steaks. I didn’t setup the Primo Oval XL yet but the Weber Kettle was front and center. Mighty fine way to end the night. Great steak dinner with Yukon gold mashed potatoes and delicious Barbera wine from the Jerome Winery. Happy New Year!!